Generates data for alerts, reports & external systems
Inform urban development zoning, infrastructure resource allocation, local business intelligence, and environmental strategies; drives 3rd-party data-oriented services & solutions.
Feeds directly into urban ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems)
Gives autonomous vehicles ability to “see around corners”; provides the entire city with predictive flow data; contributes to 3rd-party revenue-generating commercial services.
Builds on localised rules to upgrade crossings & intersections
Responds to pedestrian behaviour & gestures
Instantly transmits data & instructions to control road infrastructure
Using industry-standard protocols, to control traditional road products – LED lighting, interactive surfaces, street signage – so they respond and adapt to real-time conditions, through warnings, rerouting or dynamic zoning.
Classifies objects & trajectories in real-time from roadside camera feeds
Identifies pedestrians, bikes, cars, lorries, analyses trajectories, predicts possible accidents or near-misses, generates danger quotients.